Reference for DSService.svc - GetDataBundle

Given a token and details for multiple requests, retrieves data for all the requests.


The operation takes in a parameter of type DSGetDataBundleRequest which has the following members.

Name Type Description Example Value
Token String The token retrieved through GetToken operation n9IcXCXIq+ApBEe0zLBeTrU11D65F6BB2ED74E3467EA0EBE
DataRequests DSDataRequest[] Defines the array of request details for which data must be retrieved Refer DSDataRequest for details.
Properties DSStringObjectKVPair[] Properties to customize behavior null

The operation returns a parameter of type DSGetDataBundleResponse which has the following members.

Name Type Description Example Value
DataResponses DSDataResponse[] The array of responses corresponding to each request. Refer DSDataResponse for more details
Properties DSStringObjectKVPair[] Properties describing behavior null


The following is a sample SOAP request.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action> 
    <GetDataBundle xmlns="">
      <request xmlns:i="">
                    <Properties i:nil="true" /> 
                        <Properties i:nil="true" /> 
                    <End /> 
                    <Frequency /> 
                <Tag i:nil="true" /> 
                    <Properties i:nil="true" /> 
                        <Properties i:nil="true" /> 
                    <End /> 
                    <Frequency /> 
                <Tag i:nil="true" /> 
         <Properties i:nil="true" />       

The following is a sample SOAP response.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header /> 
    <GetDataBundleResponse xmlns="">
      <GetDataBundleResult xmlns:i="">
            <AdditionalResponses i:nil="true" />
            <DataTypeNames i:nil="true" />
                    <Value i:type="a:double" xmlns:a="">155.9</Value>
            <Dates i:nil="true" xmlns:a="" />
            <SymbolNames i:nil="true" />
            <Tag i:nil="true" />
            <AdditionalResponses i:nil="true" />
            <DataTypeNames i:nil="true" />
                    <Value i:type="a:string" xmlns:a="">NA</Value>
            <Dates i:nil="true" xmlns:a="" />
            <SymbolNames i:nil="true" />
            <Tag i:nil="true" />
        <Properties i:nil="true" />