Reference for DSService.svc - DSDataRequest
Specifies the object that defines a data request.
The DSDataRequest type has the following members.
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
Instrument | DSInstrument | The instrument for the request | Refer DSInstrument for details. |
DataTypes | DSDataType[] | The array of datatypes for the request | Refer DSDataType for details. |
Date | DSDate | The date information (static or timeseries) for the request | Refer DSDate for details. |
Tag | String | A user defined tag that is returned in the response | null |
The DSInstrument type has the following members.
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
Value | String | The instrument value. This can be a symbol (viz. Datastream mnemonic, RIC, ISIN etc) or an expression or a list or a set of symbols. | Ex: VOD (or) VOD.L (or) VOD,BARC (or) LFTSE100 (or) VOD(PL) + BARC(PH). |
Properties | DSStringObjectKVPair[] | The properties that describe the instrument. Refer DSInstrumentPropertyNames for more details. | If you are using a expression, then create a property with key "IsExpression" and value true. If you are using multiple symbols, then create a property with key "IsSymbolSet" and value true. |
The DSDataType type has the following members.
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
Value | String | The datatype name. | Ex: PL (or) PH (or) MV (or) NAME. |
Properties | DSStringObjectKVPair[] | The properties that describe the datatypes. | null |
The DSDate type has the following members.
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
Start | String | The start date. The dates can be relative dates or absolute dates or string literals. Refer DSDateNames for string literals. | Ex: -30D (or) 2011-12-31 (or) BDATE. |
End | String | The end date. The dates can be relative dates or absolute dates or string literals. Refer DSDateNames for string literals. | Ex: -30D (or) 2011-12-31 (or) BDATE. |
Frequency | String | The frequency. Refer DSDateFrequencyNames for allowed frequencies. | Ex: D (or) W (or) M (or) Q (or) Y. |
Kind | DSDateKind | Defines whether the date is a snapshot (static) or a time series date. It is enough to specify only start date for a snapshot date. | Ex: TimeSeries, Snapshot. |