Reference for DSService.svc - Data

Given a token and details for a single request, retrieves data.




Xml or Json




The operation takes in a following parameters: (Note that the query string values must be URL encoded)

Name Type Description Example Value
token String The token retrieved using the Token method. n9IcXCXIq+ApBEe0zLBeTrU11D65F6BB2ED74E3467EA0EBE
instrument String The instrument. Ex: VOD (or) LFTSE100 (or) VOD,BARC.
datatypes String The datatype. Ex: PL (or) NAME (or) PL,PH.
datekind String Defines whether the date is a snapshot (static) or a time series date. It is enough to specify only start date for a snapshot date. Ex: TimeSeries, Snapshot.
start String The start date. The dates can be relative dates or absolute dates or string literals. Refer DSDateNames for string literals. Ex: -30D (or) 2011-12-31 (or) BDATE.
end String The end date. The dates can be relative dates or absolute dates or string literals. Refer DSDateNames for string literals. Ex: -30D (or) 2011-12-31 (or) BDATE.
freq String The frequency.Refer DSDateFrequencyNames for allowed frequencies. Ex: D (or) W (or) M (or) Q (or) Y.
props DSStringObjectKVPair[] Optional properties to customize behavior for the instruments. Ex: Empty string value (or) IsSymbolSet
format String Optional format for xml or json Empty string value

The operation returns the following parameter:

Name Type Description Example Value
DataResponse DSDataResponse The response corresponding to the request. Refer DSDataResponse for more details


The following is a sample request.


The following is a sample response.

<DSDataResponse xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
  <AdditionalResponses i:nil="true"/>
  <DataTypeNames i:nil="true"/>
          <Value i:type="a:ArrayOfdouble" xmlns:a="">
  <Dates xmlns:a="">
  <SymbolNames i:nil="true"/>
  <Tag i:nil="true"/>



The following is a sample response.
