Reference for DSService.svc - DSDataResponse

Specifies the object that defines a data response.


The DSDataResponse type has the following members.

Name Type Description Example Value
DataTypeValues DSDataTypeResponseValue[] The response values corresponding to each data type in the request. Refer DSDataTypeResponseValue for details.
Dates DateTime[] The dates for which the details were retrieved. For a snapshot request, typically there will be only 1 item in the array.
DataTypeNames DSStringKVPair[] The expanded name of each datatype. This value is returned only if the option was chosen in the request. Ex: PH => Price High, PL => Price Low
SymbolNames DSStringKVPair[] The expanded name of each instrument. This value is returned only if the option was chosen in the request. Ex: VOD => VODAFONE GROUP
AdditionalResponses DSStringKVPair[] This property is currently not used. null
Tag String A user defined tag that was passed in the request null


The DSDataTypeResponseValue type has the following members.

Name Type Description Example Value
DataType String The datatype for which the response value corresponds to. Ex: PL.
SymbolValues DSSymbolResponseValue[] The values for each symbol. If the requested instrument was a list, this array will contain the values for each constituent of the list. Refer DSSymbolResponseValue for more details.


The DSSymbolResponseValue type has the following members.

Name Type Description Example Value
Symbol String The symbol for which the data is returned. Ex: VOD (or) BARC.
Currency String The currency corresponding to this symbol (for the datatype). Ex: £ (or) U$.
Type DSSymbolResponseValueType The response value type. If the request results in an error, this property will be populated as Error and the Value property will be a string. Otherwise it will contain the type of the value such as DoubleArray. Refer DSSymbolResponseValueType for more details. Ex: DoubleArray (or) Double (or) Error
Value Object The value. You must cast this value to an appropriate type depending on the Type property. Ex: double[] or double or String.