Country Of Domicile – Code - Datatype (CODOM).

The country of the legal domicile of a company’s head office, by form of a 3-digit numerical code issued by Datastream.

The classification can also be viewed by a Mnemonic (CODOC) and Name (CODON), or by the ISO Country Code (DOISO).

See the Datastream Geographical Classifications table for the full list of possible values and ISO country code mapping.

Alternative geographical classifications are also available, see below:

Datastream Geographical Classification of CompanyGEOG, GEOGC, GEOGN and GGISO
Country of IncorporationCOINC, COINM, COINN and INISO
Country of ListingGEOL, GEOLC and GEOLN
Country of ISIN IssuerGGISN