Reference for DSService.svc - Enumerations

Specifies the various enumerations.


The DSDateNames type specifies the date literals. It has the following members.

Name Description Example Value
BDATE Base date.
SWDATE Start of Week.
SMDATE Start of Month.
SQDATE Start of Quarter.
SYDATE Start of Year.
LATESTDATE Latest date.
TODAY Intraday value.
YRE End of Year. Ex: YRE, -2YRE, +1YRE
MTE End of Month. Ex: MTE, -2MTE, +1MTE
QTE End of Quarter. Ex: QTE, -2QTE, +1QTE
WKE End of Week. Ex: WKE, -2WKE, +1WKE
YRS Start of Year. Ex: YRS, -2YRS, +1YRS
MTS Start of Month. Ex: MTS, -2MTS, +1MTS
QTS Start of QuarTSr. Ex: QTS, -2QTS, +1QTS
WKS Start of Week. Ex: WKS, -2WKS, +1WKS
YRM Middle of Year. Ex: YRM, -2YRM, +1YRM
MTM Middle of Month. Ex: MTM, -2MTM, +1MTM
QTM Middle of Quarter. Ex: QTM, -2QTM, +1QTM
WKM Middle of Week. Ex: WKM, -2WKM, +1WKM


The DSDateFrequencyNames type specifies the frequency values. It has the following members.

Name Description Example Value
D Daily.
W Weekly.
M Monthly.
Q Quarterly.
Y Yearly.
7D 7 days.
7DPAD 7 days padded.
7DME 7 days Middle Eastern.
7DMEPAD 7 days Middle Eastern padded.


The DSInstrumentPropertyNames type specifies the instrument properties. It has the following members.

Name Description Example Value
IsList Is the instrument a list.
IsExpression Is the instrument an expression. Expressions such as VOD(PL)+BARCH(PH)
IsSymbolSet Is the instrument a set of symbols. Set of symbols such as VOD,IBM,BARC
ReturnName Return the instrument name.


The DSSymbolResponseValueType type specifies the value type of a symbol response. It has the following members.

Name Numeric Value Description Example Value
Error 0 Thte value is an error.
Empty 1 The value is empty.
Bool 2 The value is a boolean value.
Int 3 The value is an integer.
DateTime 4 The value is a date time.
Double 5 The value is a double.
String 6 The value is a string.
BoolArray 7 The value is an array of booleans.
IntArray 8 The value is an array of integers.
DateTimeArray 9 The value is an array of date times.
DoubleArray 10 The value is an array of doubles.
StringArray 11 The value is an array of strings.
ObjectArray 12 The value is an array of objects with the array item being a heterogenous mixture of bool, datetime, double or string types.